Cubs is for boys and girls aged 8 - 10.5. We have three Cub Packs, Mondays (6:00 - 7:30), Wednesdays (6:00 - 7:30) and Fridays (6:00 - 7:30).
Cubs enjoy loads of activities such as camping, climbing, obstacle courses, zip wires, swimming, kayaking, raft building, den making and much much more... There are loads of badges to be earned, which can be worn on the Cub's uniform to show how well they're doing. Cub Scouting is about: * making friends * enjoying lots of activities * keeping the Promise * trying new things Above all else, Cub Scouting is about having lots and lots of fun! |
You can see your cub pack's programme by loggin into Online Scout Manager (OSM). We email you initial log in details when your child first joins 150th. |
The Cub Scout Promise:
I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and to the Queen, To help other people And to keep the Cub Scout Law |
The Cub Scout Law
Cub Scouts always do their best Think of others before themselves And do a good turn every day |
Joining Cubs
Are you a parent of a child who'd like to join Cubs? If so, please get in touch by clicking the Join! page. We usually have a waiting list for Cubs. Priority is given to children who are moving from Beavers. Spaces that remain are then offered to the next child on the waiting list. The group is self funding and so charges a subscription. Info on subs can be found on our sub page here. Financial Hardship
We try to make scouting as affordable as possible. Financial hardship should not stop any child from joiing in weekly activities or weekend events. We've a fund available to support families who are experiencing hardship. Please speak to your section leader in the first instance. We also have a stock of pre-loved uniform - if this will help you, please ask your Beaver Leader. |
Uniform and Badges
Uniform can be bought from Scout and Guide Shop online - or at our local branch on Trippet Ln, Sheffield City Centre, S1 4EL (0114 270 1752). The cub uniform is a green sweater and emerald & yellow necker. Each Cub pack also has it's own t-shirt - ask your leader about these. Badges will be provided by leaders when they've been earned - so parents don't need to buy these. Click the image below to see where each badge or check the picture in the HQ main corridor, Moving Up
Want to know when your child is moving up to the next section? Find out using the table here. |

For over 10 years, we've taken Cubs and Scouts kayaking on the River Don.
To make sure that sessions are safe as well as fun, we take groups of 8 youngsters.
Info can be found on our activities page here.
This event invites youngsters to attend who impress due to their attitude, behaviour and conduct. Kids come who deserve it most!
It's great fun, from kayak dodgeball with Cubs first dipping their nose in white water.
If youngsters can't make it for any reason, short time scales make it difficult to invite another youngster. In this situation, we take a smaller group.
We take the power of the water seriously. If the river water level is too high, we may postpone at short notice. This is for our children's safety and enjoyment.
For over 10 years, we've taken Cubs and Scouts kayaking on the River Don.
To make sure that sessions are safe as well as fun, we take groups of 8 youngsters.
Info can be found on our activities page here.
This event invites youngsters to attend who impress due to their attitude, behaviour and conduct. Kids come who deserve it most!
It's great fun, from kayak dodgeball with Cubs first dipping their nose in white water.
If youngsters can't make it for any reason, short time scales make it difficult to invite another youngster. In this situation, we take a smaller group.
We take the power of the water seriously. If the river water level is too high, we may postpone at short notice. This is for our children's safety and enjoyment.
Rock Climbing!
This activity runs just like our kayaking although not quite as often.
We take up to 8 Cubs who have tried their hard with their behaviour and have tried to do their very best.
Each Pack typically gets a chance about once every 18 months. This depends how many sessions the volunteer instructors can give (the same volunteer instructors run this for Scouts as well).
If your Cub has been invited, you'll have an email. Info is also on our activities page here.
This activity runs just like our kayaking although not quite as often.
We take up to 8 Cubs who have tried their hard with their behaviour and have tried to do their very best.
Each Pack typically gets a chance about once every 18 months. This depends how many sessions the volunteer instructors can give (the same volunteer instructors run this for Scouts as well).
If your Cub has been invited, you'll have an email. Info is also on our activities page here.
Sheffield Children's University
Did you know that you can earn learning credits for the Children's University at 150th? Check out our flyer for more information.
If your child wants to earn learning credits for the Children's University, please post their passport to learning in the relevant beaver, cub or scout box in The Den (the room just after the kitchen as you enter our Wadsley HQ). We will then return your child's passport to learning to you. Credits start from the term we receive the passport to learning and are not backdated so please ensure you give it to us as soon as it is signed.
Questions or queries? Please email Kath via [email protected].
Did you know that you can earn learning credits for the Children's University at 150th? Check out our flyer for more information.
If your child wants to earn learning credits for the Children's University, please post their passport to learning in the relevant beaver, cub or scout box in The Den (the room just after the kitchen as you enter our Wadsley HQ). We will then return your child's passport to learning to you. Credits start from the term we receive the passport to learning and are not backdated so please ensure you give it to us as soon as it is signed.
Questions or queries? Please email Kath via [email protected].